President: Michael Clarke
Vice Presidents: Paul Kornycky, Kate Robertson
Hon. Life Members: Mr M Clarke, Mrs V Clarke, Mr M Hall, Mr J Hedger, Mr D Ockenden
Chairman: Scott Brownlee
Vice Chairman: vacant
Hon. Secretary: Steve Kenward
Show Secretary: Simon Quail
Hon. Treasurer: Pam Lean
Membership Secretary: Steve Kenward
Committee Members; Martine Buckle, Susan Wightman, Sashi Verrall, Francesca Riccini, Doug Mount
Main Co-ordinators
Plant Stall Co-ordinator:
Tombola Co-ordinator: Kate Robertson
Produce Co-ordinator: Jenny Griffin
Summer Show Teas: Susan Wightman
Spring & Autumn and AGM Slide Show: Rosemary Townsend
Summer: Chris Silk
Press and Public Relations: Richard Haigh
Website and Systems: Heather Rogers
To contact the offices of the committee and the main coordinators please consult the Members’ Handbook